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Have you heard of neuroplasticity?

We used to think that brains were hard to change.

We now know that brain pathways are moldable, changeable, not set in stone.

Plastic, if you will.

Think of your thoughts (meta!) like a roadway. If your brain travels the same path long enough, it will create well worn ruts. These connecting roads are “neural pathways”.

Ever notice that your thought patterns are often in similar sequence? That your reactions are predictable? That you get stuck feeling a certain way often?

Dread when you see you have an email from that obnoxious coworker.

Anxiety when you see that upcoming dental appointment on your calendar.

Irritation when you see the nasty dishes piled in the sink, again.

This is where your brain goes by default after a while. Down the same neural pathways…

But guess what?


We can put up a roadblock. We can force the brain to take a detour, to find new ways of thinking, of feeling.

We create new neural pathways that start to set in after just three times of practicing!

I know how to facilitate this change process quickly, often within one 45-minute session.

For example, I’ve helped someone:

  • feel neutral, and then good about (only) one person signing up for their upcoming workshop

  • go from feeling judgmental about what they see on Facebook to feeling in awe of the diversity of thought among friends

  • overcome anxiety and swirling thoughts at bedtime

You’ll come away with tools you can use yourself to solidify the change.

And then your brain does the rest of the work while you sleep.

It feels like magic.

What would you want to change if I had a magic wand?

You’ve suffered long enough. Let’s go!

P.S. If you’re here because you’re crawling out of the Mom Hole, go here


Clients say:

My experience with Lindsay changed my life. Her knowledge of how to heal deeply gave me the tools to not only repair for the short-term, but gave me the skills to maintain my healing and dig even deeper.

My brain has never been healthier, my heart has never been more proud of myself, and my emotions are at peace with where I’m at and where I’m going. The guidance and insights Lindsay provided created a strong foundation for healing, exploration and growth. I would work with Lindsay again in a heartbeat!
— M.E.

Sooo yesterday I scheduled posts for today. And it was very ... Easy

My goal has always been to do like a whole month of social media planning and posting in advance. But I could barely do one day at a time so that felt just outrageously overwhelming.

If I’m being honest- I’m totally annoyed that I could “coach” myself around this. I know bilateral stim- I use it with my clients already... Maybe it was the hypnosis part that really sealed the deal? Or the combo.
— A.L.

I met with Dr. Lindsay for some coaching and she’s wonderful! She’s very relatable and very quickly helped put me in an expansive, determined mindset instead of staying stuck in my rut.
— N.G.